
여러분,안녕하세요, 나는 한국어를 배우고 있습니다.

내 사진
위치: 安邦, 雪蘭莪, Malaysia


일요일, 12월 18, 2005


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The Legend of The Nine-Tailed Fox: The Forbidden Love (구미호외전 Gumiho Oecheon).
This is a mandarin synopsis written in http://arthurnonyx.blogspot.com/



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市 内发生了一系列连环杀人案件,警察民宇发现其中有一个共同点,那就是尸体都被挖去了肝脏,有次民宇推断此案件可能与肝脏贩卖组织有关。为了深入调查案 件,民宇装扮成贩卖肝脏组织的成员,打入其内部。民宇在旧地下车库发现了大量手术用的医疗器具,同时在床上还有一具尸体。此时民宇才意识到原来自己的身份 已经被敌人识破,民宇试图逃脱,但是却被对方的安眠针打中,原来贩卖肝脏的事情都是九尾狐族中成员所为。同为九尾狐族的武影、诗妍、彩儿等人在了解这一情 况后,决定铲除族中败类。正巧碰上民宇被组织成员绑走的场面,民宇趁着混乱试图逃脱,诗妍追上前想杀人灭口,就在即将挥剑刺杀民宇那一瞬间,诗妍突然看到 民宇胸前的项链,诗妍认出民宇是过去的恋人。。。。。


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토요일, 12월 17, 2005


안녕하세요, My fellow friends. Today we talk about Korean or 대한민족 (Dae Han Min Chok), the Korean people are one of the main East Asian ethnic groups. Most Koreans live in the Korean peninsula and speak the Korean language. There are two Koreas today, i.e North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea or 조선민주주의인민공화국 Choseon Minjujuui Inmin Konghwaguk) and South Korea (Republic of Korea or 대하민국 DaeHan Minguk).

Image hosted by Photobucket.com North Korea (Communist)

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Eventhough, I personally believe that Koreas eventually will be reunified, maybe very soon. I think this great moment will happen around 2012 to 2016.
Image hosted by Photobucket.com Korea (Reunified)

Korea's population is highly homogenous both ethnically and linguistically, with only small minorities present in South and North Korea.

Today, there are approximately 75 million Korean living on this planet.

대한민국(South Korea): 47,470,969명
조선민주주의인민공화국(North Korea): 21,687,550명
미국(USA): 2,057,546명
중국(China): 2,043,578명
일본(Japan): 660,214명
러시아(Russia)와 CIS지역: 486,857명
캐나다(Canada) : 110,000명
남미(Latin America) - 대체로, 브라질(Brazil): 100,000명
총원(total): 74,616,714명

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금요일, 12월 16, 2005

김태희 와 나

Korean language is a fascinating language, I am just a beginner, but I daresay this 'beginner' will leave me after 2 months, since now I have a strong will to master this language. Why I choose Korean, because this is my unique prediction, I believe that Korea on the future will become a great nation with huge market, especially after reunification of North and Sorth Korea. Believe me!!!

I love Korea very much, just like I like Kim Tae-hee. She is my primary idol, I like all of her movie, dramas or even her advertisements. Because of her, I have the passion to study the language that I view as Alien Language, Hangul 한굴, to know this country, to understand Korean culture. Ok, too much nonsense. From now, I will be a part-time korea observer. Talk about Korea, share about my opinions on learning Korean.... Aaarrrghhhh.... I wished I can stay in Korea, enjoy the stunning view of Seoul, maybe one day....

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